Lori Rubin has many talents. Check out her other websites.
lorirubin.com for info on her make-up and beauty services, journeytoyourbigheart.com a childrens book,
lorirubinart.com for her paintings, inspiredbyyoupoetry.com for her book of poems
lorirubin.com for info on her make-up and beauty services, journeytoyourbigheart.com a childrens book,
lorirubinart.com for her paintings, inspiredbyyoupoetry.com for her book of poems
Lori Rubin, artist, makeup artist, author, poet, producer, fitness competitor and spoken word artist
has tapped into a place within herself that just wants to express and inspire.
Her diligence in creating has proved healing for some that she has
reached and touched through her artistic communication.
has tapped into a place within herself that just wants to express and inspire.
Her diligence in creating has proved healing for some that she has
reached and touched through her artistic communication.